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Тесты по английскому языку (уровни А1—С1). Сборник тестов с ключами - Т. Олива Моралес

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Did, come, – -, – —

Did, came, – -, – —

21. They … … … their homework…

there. don’t do often, in

didn’t often do, – —

weren’t do often, at

aren’t often do, – —

22. When … … … … theatre?

do you come in – —

did you go to the 1

do go you at a

are you be to the

23. … … she do on Sunday?

What was

Where did

What did

Why was

24. Kate … … and … ….

comen in, sit down

came – -, sat at

came in, sat down

come into, sat to

25. … film… very interesting.

Those, is

These, is

This, was

This, did

Тема 4. Future Simple (простое будущее время)

Переведите предложение на русский язык. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. … they go … … theatre tomorrow?

Will, to, a

Will, in, the

Will, to, the

Be will, to, – —

2. If the weather… fine… Saturday, they … … the country.

will be, at, go, in

be, on, will go, to

is, on, will go, to

is, in, will go, in

3. On Sunday we… for a walk … … evening.

will go, in, – —

went, at, the

go, on, – —

went, in, the

4. When he… the translation, we will go… a walk.

will finish, to

finish, at

finishes, for

finish, in

5. … book… on the table.

A, were

– -, will

The, is

The, will to be

6. … is … … on the table.

Book, there, the

Book, there, a

Books, there, the

There, a, book

7 … … … … here in the morning.

Much, people, will be

There, will be, many, people

There, was, much, people

Many, people, was

8. How… German books… they …?

much, do, have

many, have, got

much, have, got

many, are, have

9. How… French books… you… last year?

much, had, got

many, had got

much, did, have

many, did, have

10. … you… doctor? – Yes, I ….

Is, – -, do

Are, – -, am

Are, a, am

Will, a, will

11. … … … for a walk in the evening? – Yes, we ….

Was, we, go, do

We, does, to go, are

We, will, go, will

Will, we, go, will

12. They haven’t got any English books, … …?

you, do

do, they

have, they

haven’t they

13. … … … to Spain again, … …?

Will, you, come, you, do

Will, you, come, won’t, you

Do, you, come, you, don’t

You, will, come, won’t, you

14. … … to the theatre yesterday, … …?

Did, they go, didn’t, they

They, do go, didn’t, they

Will, they go, won’t, they

They, went, didn’t, they

15. He does not read … ….

a, little

– -, little

a, lot of

– -, not many

16. I have got … … books on this subject. I won’t buy any more.

a, few

– -, few

not, much

not, many

17. I have got … … books on this subject but my friend has got very… books on it.

– -, few, much

a, few, much

a, few, many

– -, few, many

18. When we… in the country, we… in… river.

will live, swim

will, live, swims

lives, will swim

live, will swim

19. Какое из предложений построено верно?

Will you come to see us, when you will be here again?

When will you be here again, will you come to see us?

Will you come to see us, when you are here again?

When are you here again, will you come to see us?

20 Какое из предложений построено верно?

If she will help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?

If she helps you, will you complete this work tomorrow?

Will you complete this work tomorrow, if she helps you?

If will I help you, will you complete this work tomorrow?

21 … … … to see us on Saturday? – No, they ….

Will, come, they, not

Will, they, come, don’t

Be, they, come, won’t

Will, they, come, won’t

22. … … … busy on Friday morning, … …?

Will, you, be, will, you

You, will, be, won’t, you

You, will, be, will, you

23 … … … away next week, … …?

Bess, – -, go, does, Bess

Will, Bess, go, will she

Bess, will, go, won’t, she

Bess, will, go, will, she

24 … … … this work later, … …?

Will, they, do, won’t, they

They, will, do, won’t, they

Will, they, do, they, will

Do, they, will, won’t, they

25 … … … to the country this summer … …? – Yes, ….

They, will, go, – -, – -, they, do

Will, they, go, won’t, you, they, are

Will, they, go, won’t, – -, they, do

You, will, go, won’t, you, we, will

Раздел 2. Тематические тесты по временам английского языка, согласованию времен, условным предложениям, пассивному залогу

Тема 1. Группа времен Perfect

Переведите предложение на русский язык. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I… the book by next month.

will translated

have translated

will have translated

will translate

2. … … … … these articles by the beginning of next week?

Are, we, have, read

We, will, have, read

Will, we, have, read

We, will, have, read

3 By the time we …, they… for London.

arrive, have already left

arrive, will have already left

will arrive, will already have left

will have arrived, already will have left

4. I… all the articles until next week.

won’t have read

won’t read

not have read


5 By the time they …here, she… dinner.

will come, will have cooked

come, will have cooked

will have come, will have cook

comes, will cooked

6. I… this gallery when I… in London.

saw, was

have seen, was

has seen, been

have see, was

7. I… these articles.

already have read

have already read

already read

have read already

8 … to London twice?

He has been

Has he been

Were he

Been he

9. … this text-book. I… it.

Don’t buy, I’ve bought

Not to, buy, I’ve buy

Don’t buy, I buyed

Not, buy, buy

10. … all the work?

Did you already do

Have you already done

Have you done already

Already did you do

11. She said that Tom… away on Friday.


has gone

had gone

have gone

12. We… away before they returned there.

will go



had gone

13. … that Ann… there …?

Did he said, is, either

Said he, had been, too

Have he say, had been, either

Did he say, had been, too

14. When the man… in, I understood that I… him somewhere before.

had come, had seen

came, had seen

has come, will see

had come, had seen

15. The employee says that he… the task.

has already done

had already done

already did

already has done

16. My new friend asked me if I… in London.

have been


had been

will be

17. … in the USA?

Were you ever

Had you ever been

Have you ever been

Did you ever been

18. He… the translation by the end of the week.


had completed

will complete

has completed

19. Nick said that he… the translation ….

had not done, too

do not do, too

hasn’t done, either

hadn’t done, either

20. This is… book I ….

the most best, ever read

the best, I have ever read

the most good, I ever have read

more good, I ever read

21. … that Fred … … student of our university?

Did you hear, are, the best

Have you heard, was, the most good

Had you heard, was, the best

Have you heard, is, the best

22. He said that that Mike … … student of our group.

is, the most bad

was, the most bed

had been, the worse

was, the worst

23. … in the USA? – Yes, I… there 5 years ago.

Were you, was

Had you been, have been

Have you been, was

Did you be, had been

24. He asked if I… in the USA. I answered that I… there 5 years before.

have ever been, was

had ever been, had been

ever was, was

ever had been, had was

25. They… everything themselves before the translator ….

did, had come

had done, came

did, came

have done, came

Тема 2. Группа времен Continuous

Переведите предложение на русский язык. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I… the piano in the evening.

will be play

be playing

will playing

will play

2. She… yet when we… back.

will not be sleeping, come

won’t sleep, will come

will not be sleeping, will have come

doesn’t sleep, will come

3. What… by 9 pm tonight?

will he be doing

will he have done

will he do

will have he done

4. They… when Fred comes.

will having supper

will be having supper

will supper

will had supper

5. What… when your sons arrive?

will you be doing

will you done

you will be doing

you will doing

6. My brother… TV from 6 till 7 pm tonight.

won’t be watching

won’t watch

won’t have watched

won’t has watched

7. I ….

am not sit

am not sitting

do not sat

am not sit

8. I ….

is read


am reading

do reading

9. We… his articles.

are reading

are read

do reading

do reads

10. We… TV now.

are not watched

are not watching

doesn’t watching

had not watched

11. Why… your homework?

aren’t you doing

aren’t you do

hadn’t you doing

you aren’t doing

12. … or writing?

Is he read

Does he reading

Is he reading

He is reading

13. What …?

are you singing

are you sing

are you sang

has you sang

14. Какое предложение построено верно?

Are you eat?

Are you eating?

Do you eating?

You is eat?

15. Bess… at the window.

did not sat

was not sitting

had not sat

does not sitting

16. My sister said that he… a composition.

was written

was writing

is writing


17. The students said that they… their text-books.


had reading

were reading

did reading

18. Alex said that they… TV the day before.

are not watching

were not watching

had not watched

have not watched

19. She asked us what ….

are you reading

were you reading

are we read

we were reading

20. Father wondered why… homework?

aren’t Ann doing your

Ann wasn’t doing her

hadn’t Ann doing his

had Ann done her

21. She asked if… or translating.

was he reading

did he read

he was reading

did he reading

22. She wondered if ….

I have slept

I was sleeping

was I sleeping

I do slept

23. She said that her husband… in a foreign company.

not works

has not worked

had not worked

were not working

24. Fred… that Ann was not slipping.


had known

was knowing


25. Paul… that he… on the phone.

was saying, speaks

saying, was speaking

said, was speaking

had said, spoke

Тема 3. Группа времен Perfect Continuous

Переведите предложение на русский язык. Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Next week they… here.

will not have been working

will not working

will not work

will not works

2. By the end of next month they… here for two years.

will have worked

will have been working

will be working

will work

3. By the 15-th of May Mary… her new book.

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